A good start would be reinstating a place for communication - we have the telegram page but no comments are allowed there. There was talk of the local chats being reinstated but nothing has been done as far as I know. What has happened to all the candidates? I would love to see NZL supporters and members coming together to help in our local communities with "grass roots" projects and just getting stuff done!

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great point. Enable comments so people can network. This could be promoted by an email notification to membership base?

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Thanks for raising the question of what to do with NZ Loyal

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Fantastic article Claude, and thankyou Counterspin for bringing it to my attention, I bought a NZLOYAL hoodie before the election, I still wear it now, yes I believe now more than ever we need to revive this and keep the momentum going, it can only get better, yes we will meet a LOT of resistance from the wasp nest and other interests that want to keep the status quo but let's do it anyway. Yes Liz Gunn needs a break. I was in Scotland during the referendum and for Brexit. After the SNP bizzarly lost the referendum, I saw Westminster drag Alec Salmond through the courts on false accounts of rape, corruption you name it they threw it at him. This was designed to stop others trying the same thing. The same is happening to Liz Gunn.


Dylan Swift

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What do you mean what to do? We have all been through the ringer so to speak we are here and have taken some big hits and still getting attacked for an apparently

insignificant party. The corporation have been relentless more so than people realise, we are still fighting hard and really need the support for Liz please be patient the elections are 2 and a half years away. We the people are going to have to step up! If we even get another chance at election... we are dealing with absolute corruption in NZ worse than anywhere in the world ...

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Thanks for educating me! at 70 years of age I never heard of Rudolph Steiner. With a few keystrokes I have been able to get a sketch of Rudolph and the social threefolding he envisaged. I can certainly see this as the way forward, I have suffered from the communication cutoff we NZ Loyal folk have been subjected to. Communication or no communication, my support has not faltered. My father and my grandfather were both politically active, dad stood in one election, grandad in two. I am a huge supporter of the 1% transfer tax. Watching the social media comments regarding that highlights the education needed to help us move toward the old freedoms I experienced back in the day. P.S. dad and grandad stood for the Social Credit party, which campaigned on social and economic reform.

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A wonderful bit of writing and yes, I agree about keeping the spirit alive. For once the doors close upon our Rights, it will need a revolution to get them or similar Rights back again. And that will undoubtedly cause harm to many.

Like Liz said and which hits hard upon my heart regularly,, our parents and grand parents went to war for the life style we've had & are sadly being whittled away. We've got to have the balls to stand up like they did. But first, yes, lets ALL make an effort to make out discontent be known of and heard loudly!

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I totally agree it is now time to make plans on moving forward. Some of us were battered and bruised and worn out by the time the election came around alrhough must acknowledge it was nothing short of a miracle the coming together and support of the NZL family. This did not stop us giving our all to support Liz and NZL. We had developed connections prior to NZL to support each other when all the nonsense became apparent but that created a challenge when the elections were looming. Some didnt quite disconnect from the old paradigms and created challenges for some of us. I think they may be realising now the message we were communicating wasn't far off the reality now being displayed!! We needed time to regroup and recover to develop a sound foundation moving into the future of NZL and I believe that time is now!!!

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Local and even national chats are a great idea until one considers the need for administrators, i.e. not just people to take the roles but people with the high degree of civility, patience and understanding to lead and guide conversations to a productive outcome. It is an administrator's role to foster the building of community. Dan Gunn called for people to come forward and it would seem that none applied. The words of Gandhi come to mind: " Be the change you want to see in the world."

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Keep going and growing. Narratives are breaking. Be ready to be the future.

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What a great article and yes we all need to regroup and educate the masses, make the changes we want to live by. Many groups are working behind the scenes simmering away now, we must move forward together. The time is now!

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This is the state of NZ and our drs are well aware they play a major role in the fascist state


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It’s not possible for the human brain to admit to crimes against humanity and mass murder. There will never be accountability or change unless the public force it. But how do we force it? We do the only thing that has a chance of success. A coup or revolution with extensive planning can take over the country quickly and with out bloodshed or violence. No politician will admit the harm they caused unless a coup is instigated by the public,

We would have to have people ready to take over the running of every govt dept to keep the economy going and so the public can still go to work. The bosses of major infrastructure will also have to be replaced by us.

This is the only path to success. Anything less will just get ignored by the politicians. I’m willing to put my hand up to be the one who takes over the running of the office of the chief science advisor to the PM as that’s where a lot of the rot has fomented.

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existing nzl candidates and other supporters should organize the canton leaders as was the plan? or at least a short list in their local areas, or stick with available loyal candidates so thats well sorted before the next election. cantons could work well for larger electorates so smaller parts could have representitives that keep the competition of ideas alive. then towards the election advertise canton/electorate meetings to educate interested locals to the nzl policies and candidates. it would be great to see "experts" discuss nzl policies such as the 1% tax etc..

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A Strategic Plan is needed. A template (prepared and agreed by Liz and the NZ Loyal Board) can be circulated to be considered and populated during regional strategic planning sessions. An AGM should follow soon afterwards during which a Master (National) Plan can be discussed and prepared from the culmination of regional data. We get the right people into the right positions and go from there. No rocket science involved.

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Are you volunteering your organizational and fundraising expertise we need supporters to step up with these admin roles...

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I would be very happy to assist with the process. I have much experience in administration and event co-ordination. My time is committed in many areas already (e.g. whistleblower support) but I am willing to consider additional initiatives.

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great. Hope many other people will follow you....Claude

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Thanks for writing this piece, Mike Bee. I have read many of your articles and enjoyed them immensely. I think I like this one most because it issues a challenge simply, kindly, without clutter, and it is timely because as supporters of Liz, NZL and the policies she so clearly articulated, we need a development of the vision we had in the Wellington protest and also in the first political video Liz put out while forming NZL as well as the subsequent policy videos. It is our vision that we want, let's each contribute to what that is. I applaud this, Mike. Thank you again. : )

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