Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

From personal experience, I am aware that the burden of knowledge of corruption and harmful wrongdoing by powerful authorities is immense. The dilemma for the incumbent is whether or not they can, without hesitation, contemplate the possibility of more people being harmed due to their inaction. For me, and for Barry, regardless of inevitable painful consequences, the answer to that question was a resounding No! It is a situation that we all hope we never have to face but, if/when we do find ourselves in such a position, knowing that no-one else will act if we don't, I believe (for those for whom their emotional wiring is intact) the human conscience dictates the course of action.

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Winston Peters has a track record of self-service and disappointment for those who expect anything substantial from him. He may have had a soul once but, regrettably after 40 years, the system appears to have tainted whatever integrity he once may have had. Seems to me that anyone who elects to be a career politician is there for all the wrong reasons.

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I did not get vaccinated. I had little trust the government, the 'authorities', and the motives of the pharmaceutical companies. I thought that the management of the pandemic was awful and excessively harmful. A friend had unpleasant side effects to his mandated shots. My mother in law had a stroke not long after her first shot, then died within hours/days (? can't remember for sure) of her second shot. However..... if there really have been as many unexpected or 'excess' deaths as has been suggested, I am surprised that I've heard virtually no 'talk on the street' about these deaths from the friends, relatives, neighbours and acquaintances of those who allegedly died. If the claims are true, then what is needed are personal testimonies from witnesses. The NZ Loyal party created some valuable conversations and they had some great policy ideas. But they were also a gathering point for a few folks with some fairly extreme views (fears?). At the political meeting I went to, one attendee announced that there wouldn't be an election because there would be a fuel emergency. When great claims are made that don't turn out to be fully correct, they can be used to ridicule the whole of the organisation with which they are associated. If people know of genuine deaths that they believe may have been caused by the vaccine, I urge them to speak up. Best wishes... Stephen Coote, Nelson NZ.

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