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- PPPs.

- Infrastructure Commission. https://www.treasury.govt.nz/information-and-services/nz-economy/infrastructure/nz-infrastructure-commission

- https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/512259/the-unprecedented-power-the-government-is-handing-three-of-its-ministers-under-its-new-fast-track-approval-bill

- Your story.

- I could go on.

All the same thing.

The Treasury (bankers) are at the root of this. Their bond market (NZ Govt bonds) has essentially collapsed (i.e. the bondpoccaplyse that I thought would happen ten years ago is finally here).

Essentially what you're seeing is a manifestation of the collapse of the dollar. So the debt market with this $ is about over. So what to do: ah I know. PPPs (to create more debt which is bankers only product). Which is where the idea came from.

Focus not on 1) Treasury, 2) RBNZ is myopic. Yes it's about control. Yes it's about revenue. But these two entities are the ones at the root of this op.

It's not the what's happening. It's the 'why.'

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