Just look at the information on this Law Firm. Word salad and woke. Jania will know commercial law; of that I have no doubt. But this is not about commercial Law or any of the illegal statutes our treasonous parliament passed. This comes down to Common law, the real Law, Gods Law, call it what you like, but the Law that cannot be changed by any Parliament past or future.

Don't hold your breath about this woman doing the right thing. It's clear to see those with the "so called" highest educations find it the hardest to see reality. There are notable exceptions as always. These people will fight to the very end to preserve the status quo even though we are trying to save them.

"It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it's what you know to be true, that just isn't so" Mark Twain.

She needs to be very careful as she will become an accessory. She is on the wrong side of this, and just can't claim she was just doing a job for a client. What she is doing will contribute to actively harming more people.

Ordinary doctors and nurses were put to death after WWII for similar actions.

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Maybe she should have replied to me about all my recordings of corruption detailing how drs cover up adverse events. She certainly wouldn’t have hot in trouble for it

Does no one believe me when I say we live in a fascist state? Obviously Liz Gunn didn’t but I imagine she’s changed her tune

Her disinterest in my recordings of corruption with not even the respect to call me means I have no interest in what the fascist state does to her

She should have listened to me

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yes CCPNZ Division..

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