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Agent Smith, you are truly a dangerous man. Thankfully most people will take a lot of you have just said with a justifiable 'pinch of salt'.

Also stop using the name, "Aotearoa', it's New Zealand as is identified by the rest of the world. Nobody outside New Zealand knows this Aotearoa word. And the majority of Kiwis only refer to their country as New Zealand. Stop trying to appease the Maori minority for votes you are just showing yourself for who and what you are.. Pretty much all kiwis are proud of their heritage and don't need reminding of it. Especially by you. Also Liz Gunn as more moral fortitude than you could ever hope to achieve. At least she has the guts to stand up for the ordinary man and woman in the street. Ok she may not get everything right but don't demean her for trying. She is truly a brave soul to stand up in the face of adversity and people like you. God Bless her for doing her best.

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